Therapy Tuesday
photo by: miscellaneaarts
I, like many people, are ready for the election to be over. Not beause we feel so strongly about a candidate, but because it means the end of the awful barrage of ads. As if my TV and radio talking to me about what Questions I should vote for or oppose or which candidates I should vote for (but more likely, why I SHOULDN'T vote for one) weren't enough, now, I'm getting calls and voice mails. We use our land line so infrequently, and I dread the notification of a voice just means that a robocall has left a message.
The other piece that is frustrating is the negativity of these campaigns. Recently, I had to explain to my 5-year-old about the ads as we were listening to the radio on the way to school. He wanted to know who I would vote for in a Senatorial contest in another state. I had to share that I didn't get to vote for either candidate and I tried to impart a lesson on being kind.
Many Americans vehemently dislike the way our election cycles trend so negative. Sadly, there is a reason for this, and the basic truth is negative ads are far more effective than positive ones. Recently, the American Psychological Association published an article about the science behind political advertising. Apparently, people are more likely to remember negative ads than positive ones. Ads based upon fear are compelling and ads that rely on "good feelings" ensure that you are comfortable with the choice you've already made.
No matter how hard we might try, it is hard to escape this election cycle. So for all that can, please vote, whether it be for Obama, Romney, or someone that you write-in. Let your voice be heard--and hopefully, things aren't too close where we need to wait longer to decide what the end point looks like!