Therapy Tuesday
Photo by: dcjohn
Here I am, faithfully constructing my CurrentMom posting, and I'm coming up blank. It's not like the world has taken a hiatus from current events. There are the Olympics that have us captured--via 5 hour time delay. And if we stick our heads in the sand, when we get a chance to watch it on TV, the results might actually surprise us.
Then of course there is the shooting in Aurora, Colorado. Trying to comprehend why a person does that to others is nearly impossible--even for us "experts."
Let's not forget the pre-election posturing that is going on. It's going to be a LONG fall if this is how it is beginning. Remember the days when presidential hopefuls actually talked about the issues? Yeah, me either!
Any of these topics are relevant, powerful, and can be spoken to. But for some reason, I'm not inspired right now to add to the dialogue. I tell my clients how important it is to be honest and genuine to yourself, and so dear reader, I'm trying to walk my talk.
In some ways, I'm really content right now to just let life happen. To not plan, expect, fact, just being is a bit liberating. For the first time in three years, I'm not rushing to an end goal. I've actually been unpregnant (by choice) for over a year. It is feeling good.
I'm sure that since things are slow, in a few weeks, I'll be antsy. I'll be planning, trying to take on more, wanting to spread myself out. I had actually thought that I would be freeing up time this upcoming Fall. I had no more Board duties (I was on two) and could focus on being on committees or volunteering at my son's school. But then that antsy part came out in a panic--I'm now chairing a committee (which keeps me on a Board) and serving on two more. I say this more to laugh at myself and what I think I want.
Truthfully, I like being busy. Otherwise, I feel unproductive. I like to acheive (be it in my mind or based upon something in reality). So here's to honoring both halves: the part keeping zen right now, and its twin--the whirling dervish.