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Wednesday, June 13, 2012



I love that Working Mother is doing this. I recently wrote a blog post about how there isn't being enough done to celebrate Father's Day. According to CNBC, Mother’s Day is the second biggest gifting holiday on the calendar (behind Christmas). Of course moms deserve-and love-attention surrounding the day, but it seems the same fanfare is not given to those deserving dads when Father’s Day comes around. It breaks my heart. My blog post is about the special way my son celebrated an early Father’s Day and share some other ways to help create life-long memories for all of the dads out there. I think you'd enjoy it:

Jamee Tenzer

I too am married to a man that can easily handle what might be considered "mom" duties, with grace and ease. Eventually my hope is that we begin to see parents for their gifts whether they are men or women. Some fathers are great at braiding hair, sewing on a button and making a casserole and terrible at fixing things around the house. Some moms are best at teaching kids to bat, catch and dribble but should really stay away from the kitchen. The more we can see past our sex to the gifts that we bring and the unique talents we have, the more children will have the opportunity to benefit from the best we have to offer. Thank you for your post!

Jamee Tenzer

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