I could probably write about nothing but chicken and fulfill my blogging and recipe obligations every week without a problem. It is perhaps the most versatile and well-liked food we all have to work with. I know there are many collections out there of chicken recipes, but I have my standards.
Personally, slathering chicken pieces with apricot jam and then baking holds no appeal for me -- yuck. I am not one to mix sweet with my savory. My husband, though, loves that stuff.
I have a strong preference for simple, but flavorful savory chicken. I always buy free-range organic chicken and really do think it tastes better, in addition to being much healthier than the other birds.
In general, I'm not big on stews. I like my food to have some definition to it, not just lie there as an undefined bowl of mush. (Again, my husband loves mush, but he manages somehow to live with me…). A good sauce, however, enhances many meals.
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