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Monday, November 21, 2011



I'll come to your house anytime for dinner -- and I promise I won't give you any grades. I'll just thank you profusely for the delicious fare even if it's a pizza bagel. Anyone who cooks (and especially anyone who cooks well) should be valued and extolled.

I can relate to your frustration. My husband often gives the dishes I make him a grade, only he uses a 1-10 scale. Last night, I think I got two 9s and a 3. O.K., I'll admit the barley dish I made wan't very good, but still . . . .

Emily Kuvin

How do you make a good barley dish? I must admit, I haven't done much with barley outside of soup.

Anne Duthoit

Laughed out loud with this, and thought back to the cooking club.

Next time they don't like dinner, leave the eggs out on the counter and go out with the girls. Tell them you'll be grading the state of the kitchen when you get home, and if it's less than an 8, you'll be on strike for the week.

Here's a decent cold barley salad: cook the barley up front in a rice cooker in chicken bouillon. Rinse in cold water (do not skip this step unless you want goo). Make a salad dressing of olive oil, balsamic vinegar and TONs of lemon juice (5 lemons). Add parsely and almonds (vocabulary blank here - broken into little chunks - concassé?) you've browned in a dry frying pan first. Toss the whole mess together. You can then add parboiled string beans or broccoli or carrots (or all three), or leave it as is. It's very healthy, which must be worth at least a 7, right?
Anne Duthoit

Emily Kuvin

That sounds really good, Anne. I will definitely try it. I'll let you know what grade it earns!


I LOVED this!! I only get a nice dinner on the table about 2-3 nights a week now, between kids' activities and my own work, which requires a lot of evening event attendance. So I am in awe of those parents who achieve even more family dinnertimes. And indeed, my meals are often assembled rather than cooked by design, so I definitely respect the pizza bagel ... and the salad bar ... and the taco bar ... and the enchiladas with whatever is in the fridge stuffing .... I could go on. Welcome Emily!

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