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Wednesday, August 31, 2011



Oh Stacy - I remember our lice situation in pre-school very well and never ever want it to happen again! I too "laughed" at the trailer scene - may you and your family be parasite-free this year! (I miss those long curls!)


Stacy - this is hilarious! I blogged about lice in our house a while back:

It really is a burden. I can't wait to see SJP and the movie - I thought the book was ok, but I have a feeling I will love the movie. Maybe we should have a CM outing to see it together!!


you should check out! There is a new treatment out that kills lice and eggs with just a dry, half hour heat treatment. It's pretty amazing!

Yoni Harel

Lice busters was The Lice Removal company hired by the Casting company to clean out sarah Jessica Parker and Christina Hendricks in this film. Their website url is

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