There's a moment in the trailer for the soon-to-be-released Sarah Jessica Parker comedy, I Don't Know How She Does It, that made me laugh so hard I almost started to weep. I wasn't totally crazy about the book (especially the ending) - and I'm not sure I'm willing to fork over $40 bucks to the babysitter to go see the movie (except maybe to review it for this blog) - but the trailer really hit a chord.
To be precise, it's the scene at 1:32 (in the official trailer) that totally slayed me. The SJP character, a high-flying, hard charging, working mom who's struggling - in a completely over-the-top way - to manage motherhood, marriage and her career, receives an awful text message on her way into an important business meeting:
She then proceeds to scratch her head in panic during the entire meeting.
I can relate. We're three days into the school year (undeterred by the "hurriquake" ) and already I'm dreading a similar text or call. For good reason. We've had lice six times in three years. In pre-school and elementary school. Basically, every October and May. Really. SIX TIMES IN THREE YEARS!
Although my daughter's been the main victim, the parasite takes over our entire family's life. There's the constant laundering of all the sheets and towels, bagging up the dolls and stuffed animals, and vacuuming the car seats. Then, there's the time-intensive and tedious three-week regimen of checking, treating, and combing all family members' heads. And the endless nitpicking sessions.
Plus, I've spent hours online researching the life cycle of pediculus humanus capitis and the scientific support for various treatment options. (We've used everything from chemicals to professional nitpickers to the highly effective Head Lice to Dead Lice olive oil protocol. I'll spare you the pictures of my family with shower caps on all of our heads.) I've even volunteered to check the heads of my daughter's entire soccer team. It's a real time killer, especially for working moms. To put it mildly, lice prevention and treatment is not the kind of thing your ordinary working mom wants to squeeze into her already busy nights and days.
It's affected my work life, too. I've taken more hours of sick leave than I care to admit to deal with our multiple lice crises. I've been so obsessed with - and exhausted by - lice that, like the Sarah Jessica Parker character, I've zoned out during teleconferences imagining an itchy head. My colleagues have even taken to recommending lice prevention strategies and cures in staff meetings! In fact, my boss was the first person to alert me to the I Don't Know How She Does It movie trailer. He told me it made him think of me. And then he laughed. Yikes!
I'm praying the tide turns this school year and that our lice cycle reaches its end. If not, to borrow a phrase from the new SJP flick, I don't know how I'll do it!
Oh Stacy - I remember our lice situation in pre-school very well and never ever want it to happen again! I too "laughed" at the trailer scene - may you and your family be parasite-free this year! (I miss those long curls!)
Posted by: Ellen | Wednesday, August 31, 2011 at 04:15 PM
Stacy - this is hilarious! I blogged about lice in our house a while back:
It really is a burden. I can't wait to see SJP and the movie - I thought the book was ok, but I have a feeling I will love the movie. Maybe we should have a CM outing to see it together!!
Posted by: Karen | Wednesday, August 31, 2011 at 04:16 PM
you should check out! There is a new treatment out that kills lice and eggs with just a dry, half hour heat treatment. It's pretty amazing!
Posted by: lauren | Wednesday, August 31, 2011 at 05:42 PM
Lice busters was The Lice Removal company hired by the Casting company to clean out sarah Jessica Parker and Christina Hendricks in this film. Their website url is
Posted by: Yoni Harel | Saturday, September 17, 2011 at 05:55 PM