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Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Marci Levine

Thought-provoking, Stacy - thanks for sharing. What especially resonated with me was her discussion of ambition - that men are more ambitious than women. Sort of circular, because I think one needs role models when young in order to foster ambition. The less women our daughters see at the top of industry, government, etc., perhaps the less ambition they will develop? Something to think about.


The Opting out section is the one that rings for me. I went to business school at a top 20 college in the mid 1980s. Just checked the women from my class as our 25th college reunion came up, only three still in business arena in any sort of capacity that might eventually head towards a C-level type career.

The pressure is always on the female to take the step back, to be the "better mom" perhaps because the standard for "great dad" is fairly low. (Be nice to the kids. Dont hit them, show up at a school event or two. Double points if you read them a bed time story- do all of these things and you are a society-deemed "Great Dad")while the standard for great mom is impossibly high ("did you make a homemade meal? were the ingredients organic? was the meal nutritionally balanced" how 'bout that laundry detergent- are you polluting the enviroment? Were your kids contribution to the bake sale homemade and organic and did they factor in every possible childhood allergy that could be manifested by any child in the school or did you -you slacker- go and buy something at the bakery? Bad Mommy!)

So we tell ourselves to go "run that non profit" and change the world, or work reduced hours when the kids are growing up and then if you're in the corporate world at 50 you look around and everyone's gone.

I'm in my late forties and work in financial services and the view isnt pretty from here.

I do believe men are more ambitious because their "main job" according to society is to go out and provide, so their goals are clearer from childhood on...I mentor at my alma mater and the female business students who are 20-30 in the BBA and MBA programs still believe they will be able to create balance and/or take time off for kids and move back in at a similar level to where they left.


I found this very interesting and a bit depressing, calling to mind conversations with many of our peers about those who decide to child rear instead of work at all. The decision to ease out of the toughest jobs, toughest assignments, etc., because of actual or potential home and child responsibilities has a huge impact on women's abilities to navigate the work world. I like to think it's because we know work is not all there is, but I fear it's because we don't get enough support elsewhere. Very thought provoking.

IT Consultants

I agree with most of the points you make within this content.

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