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Wednesday, April 06, 2011



Good post. I worry *a lot* about my friends who are SAHMs. Not in any moral or judgmental way about their choice - just about the long term economic implications.


This is so timely. I have never stopped working. For a while I was still working on staff, but after my third child was born and for the past 10 years I have been working as a part-time consultant with a flexible schedule, and have continued to earn even more than I had before, so it has been a choice that worked for us. It kept me current in my industry, well networked, and happily balancing the craziness of both work and family life. I know I would have gone crazy being at home full time, and have enjoyed both the comfort of a second salary and the psychic satisfaction of my work.

A month ago, my husband lost his job very suddenly - the organization he worked for imploded and shut its doors. I was in the fortunate position to, the very next day, speak with my primary client, for whom I was already working 3 days a week (and on whose staff I had served pre-kids) and ask if they would take me back on staff at 4 days at week with benefits. It took a month of my supervisor turning himself into a pretzel with the budget, but they did it.

I cannot believe how lucky we are - what if I had not worked for years on end, and could not have picked up and literally found a job with benefits the next day? Sure, I went through a mourning process - angry that I was forced into this position, that I had to more or less shut down my consulting work, and I am now no longer the primary parent at home -- but we have a continuing income and the benefits we so dearly need, and our kids are safe and will continue to have a roof over their heads while my husband looks for a new job.

Given this shocking and life-altering experience (there was a lot of "how could this happen to me?" going on in our house for a while), I am profoundly aware of the importance of keeping one's foot in the door in one's career.

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