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Saturday, February 26, 2011


Linda Keely

When's the last time your employer paid you to read an entire book and do a report? (Me - never) When's the last time your employer paid you to "filter good information from bad" from multiple sources and create an outline/overview? (Me - yesterday) I wish the school system would spend more time teaching my kids skills they can actually use on the job or to support themselves and others.

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Its sad to hear that none of your kids like reading. Do you happen to also dislike reading? Books are my friends since I was a little. I always bring one at school when I have free time. I specifically like comic books as they are colorful. Great story is a plus. When I got into high school and college, of course, it became weird for me to still read children comic books so I taught myself to read novels and literature. Luckily, I liked them so my relationship with books continued. Up until now, I still read books. I take time reading few pages to enrich my mind with its content. Please make your kids into book lovers. Its fun, really.


College Essay Examples, not only am I a voracious and inveterate reader and a former English major, but my entire house is filled with the brim to books and I buy books, take books out of the library and basically eat books. We read every single night to each child for the first 8 or 9 years of their lives, have invited them into our bed to snuggle and read with us and have done everything I can think of to instill a love of reading in my children. It hasn't worked - it's not in the DNA of the older two. The youngest reads a little. But we are also strong believers in allowing our children to make their own choices, their own successes and their own mistakes. And whether it's learning how to write a BRE or essay on their own without our assistance, or complete a report on a book they may have or may not have read, they have to figure it out on their own.


Your son has excellent taste in music. That should give you plenty of comfort. Quincy Jones is truly a genius, and responsible for so much of the last hal-fcentury's best music. Rock on!

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