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Thursday, December 23, 2010



We used tiny prints this year and were very pleased. Declaring this the Christmas of low hanging fruit on account of our newest arrival, we even ponied up for them to do all the addressing. Allen reported that uploading the address book was simple and we could have had them mali directly from tiny prints but instead chose the option of having the pre-addressed envelopes sent to us along with the cards and then I could scrawl notes as I wished. It was a bit pricey but not ridiculous, especially since we got an early bird discount and they had a nice selection of cards to appeal to all the holiday variations. I have been lobbying to do Valentine's cards for years since who wouldn't like to have a valentine and you side step all the religious issues but have yet to win that one.


I alwaysfigure that as long as I get out my cards by Chinese New Year I'm good!

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