My wife and I would like to have a realistic approach to electronic stimulation for our two boys, ages 7 and almost-2.
When our older son was younger we let him watch up to one hour of television a day, until recently we didn't own a video game system and the computer didn't interest him until recently. Our younger son hardly watched any television at all, again, until recently. But that has changed in a most painful way.
About two months ago we introduced the little dude to Sesame Street, and more specifically Elmo. We limit his time - no more than one show maybe 4-5 times a week. The result: not good. The only way I can describe it is that Elmo is crack for the under-3 set. From the moment he wakes up until the moment he goes to sleep, his predominant phrase (spoken loudly, very, very loudly) is "watch Elmo?!"
We haven't given in, but it really is starting to drive us crazy. If there's one funny thing about it its that he realizes its annoying us, because every once in a while he'll look at us, smile, and say in a very sweet, low voice "watch Elmo?", knowing that we'll say no. But most of the time, its more like awful screaming. My wife often responds to him that Elmo is sleeping. I just want to end this once and for all and tell him Elmo is dead.
The only other thing he asks for is "pictures", meaning he wants to see pictures (preferably of himself) on the computer or iPhone. More screen time, I know, but its a lot more fun for both of us.
As for my seven year old, he recently received a Wii for the holidays. Every morning, every night its "can I play Wii?" Now, I admit I have fun playing it with him. And we do limit his time. But its starting to feel like crack for the over-7 set. On top of this, he has developed a much stronger interest in television and the computer, though the latter is almost solely to accompany the book series that he's reading.
All this electronic stimulation is new territory for us. We haven't made any hard and fast rules yet, especially for the older boy, though we've told him we will all be talking very soon about rules for when he can use the Wii, computer and television, both as individual units and total time during each day and week.
For now, we'll keep Elmo on life support and, since its the holidays, be pretty liberal with the screen time. Of course, that's because we're all home for most of the next week and I want to play on the Wii too! Seriously, I'd be curious to hear how other parents navigate through issues of screen time . . .
(Photo source: flickr)
Lighten up! No kid has ever died from watching too much tv. The more you restrict it the more they want it. Let them have their screen time and let go of the unecessary guilt. Telling your son Elmo is dead would do much more life long damage than letting him watch Emlo everyday. TV isn't going to make a smart kid dumb. Just like with sweets everything in moderation. If you restrict junk food too much no doubt your little ones will want it even more!
Posted by: etel | Monday, December 27, 2010 at 11:54 PM