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Tuesday, November 02, 2010



It may be stating the obvious, but don't forget there is a public library. These books are free, renewable online (since we are all very busy), and chances are the librarians are picking very good books (think Caldecott winners) not written by celebrities.


True. Libraries and used book sales are the best places to find good books, in my opinion. I've found some really wonderful stories at the library that turn out to be out of print when I try to buy them on Amazon.

You can find good books in unexpected places. I found a reprint of one of my childhood favorites at Anthropologie. (For the uninitiated, that's a boho-chic women's clothing and home decor store.) "Manners Can Be Fun" by Munro Leaf. This is a book that is truly written for children; it delivers its message in a funny way without condescending. Kids think the primitive stick-figure drawings are really funny. Sure, the manners may be from the 1930s, but your aunt will be charmed to death when your little one doffs his hat, offers his hand, and says "how do you do?"

Phaedra Cucina

I love kids' books, too. My two favorites, Ish and The Dot, are both by the same author, Peter Reynolds. Both books have great messages, and kids can certainly relate. I know I'm in the minority, but my kids and I can find some of the award winners, especially the old ones, rather dull. Books are so helpful in teaching kids, as well as entertaining them. That's what motivated me to write a kid's book myself, My Mommy's on a Business Trip, when my three yr old started having fits everytime I left for an airport. It helped her feel better, and therefore, it helped me!

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