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Saturday, November 13, 2010



Love this post! I actually have had the opposite scenario this fall - my father just retired, so I have an extra set of hands for carpooling, school pickup, etc. At one point, I let him pick up so much of the slack (so I could work more) and my 4-year old started acting out. We're back in balance now, but it goes to show that mom is needed after all - as more than a chauffeur.


I'll never forget the time I forgot to bring one kid home in the carpool from pre-school. The mother called me frantically wondering where her child was. Oh, you mean the one I inadvertently left at pre-school but who was being lovingly cared for by his teachers until I went tearing back to get him? She never forgave me. Solution: count the days until your kids get their drivers' licenses and buy a third (used) car even though you vow every day that you will not "spoil" your kids by buying "them" a car. You'll worry constantly whenever they are driving and you'll remind them that this is for YOU and not for them. Sure.

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