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Saturday, August 21, 2010



Oh, you are such a good mom!! I don't know that I could wait so patiently for grandchildren. Our first daughter broke my heart when she rejected all my childhood favorites (many on your list) because she only wanted books with "real life" contemporary girls, like Junie B. Jones. But fortunately our second child loves all the chapter books close to my heart. I don't think I could wait 30 years!!


Thanks, Katherine. For the record, I HATE Junie B. Jones, and the way she talks (we could have a young child's version of "The Help" conversation about slang and argot here.) But I would take it if they would read it :)


So far I've been lucky - my almost seven-year-old daughter loves to read (and to be read to). This summer we've been making our way through The Secret Garden (we're on page 268)and it's been a treat for both of us (although I've had to edit out a few characterizations that might have been appropriate in Victorian times but are offensive now.) So, Karen, come on over and read to us! And send us some recommendations on what to tackle next - I'm thinking Heidi.

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