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Tuesday, April 06, 2010


Karen Paul-Stern

Julie, I didn't know your whole story, and you are very brave to tell it now. We also had to make a conscious decision - to allow our 5-day-old baby to remain on the machine that was keeping his lungs and heart working and allow him to live a terribly brain damaged, disabled life, if he lived at all, or to take him off the machine and let him go. When I spoke about this publicly in our synagogue later that year, my rabbi warned me that there may have been some who would have questioned our decision. But I have never let that stop me from telling my story - it is my story to tell, my story to survive, and my story from which to heal and from which to learn. And now I feel grateful that you have chosen to share your with us, in all its messiness, sadness, and vulnerability.

I hope that in blogging together on this site that we will have the chance to meet in person someday so that I can give you a hug.


Julie, I'm with Karen. I hope I get to meet you soon to give you a big hug and to thank you for sharing this painful time in your life with us. Your image of writing about your experience in an emotionally "naked" way is very powerful and it allows me, a stranger, to sympathize with you on deep level. Thank you. I will be rooting for you (and your husband) as you go through the process of emotional, physical, and spiritual healing.



I have tears in my eyes as I write this, having just finished reading your eloquent post. What a powerful way to remember the baby - babies - that you lost. I can't imagine the heartbreak of that decision.

So many therapists go into the field to put that professional distance between themselves and other people. It speaks so well of you that you're able to be so vulnerable and human with us - and the judgmental world. Your patients are lucky indeed. I feel fortunate just to know you through the pixels on my computer screen, and second the comments above.

Sending you a virtual hug.

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