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Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Deb - Mom of 3 Girls

Great point - and something I thought when I read the NY Times article too. Well put! I've been on both sides - I worked full-time out of the house when I began blogging and then was laid off in 2008 and am still unemployed. Many of the blogs that I still read and the blogging friends I've made are other 'working' moms since we all seemed to have more in common back when we all first started off blogging. :)


I think the absence of working mothers in this and other such articles is a matter of practicality rather than discrimination. In this case, these moms spent money to get together and learn about how they could make money with blogs. It would make sense that most -- though probably not all -- in such a group would not be working 9-5 jobs. If they were, they wouldn't be likely to need or have time to invest in making money from home with a blog, right?
As far as getting quotes from moms for other parenting stories, most reporters work during the weekdays. If they're going to get quotes and photos of parents, they're going to go somewhere where they see parents and kids spending time during the day. Journalism is a time-pressed biz, and you're going to have a lot better luck getting multiple mom quotes if you hit a playground (likely populated by stay-at-home moms and nannies) than if you go to a random office or lunch restaurant and ask, "Anyone here have kids at home?"
Keep in mind that a lot of journalists that write about these issues are themselves working moms. I wrote about this stuff both as a full-time reporter for the San Francisco Chronicle and later as a stay-at-home-mom/occasional freelancer.


Carrie, are you suggesting that it's simply too hard for reporters who cover "moms" to do a more balanced, fair, and accurate job and get quotes from working moms (who, I believe, are the majority of moms)?

Last I checked most reporters, and most working moms, have phones and email addresses.


Could it be that SAHM bloggers might be more "interesting" in the mainstream media because they appear to be more self-indulgent, rather than WOHM bloggers, who are trying to cope more with day-to-day reality?

Eden Godsoe

As a mom of two who has always worked outside the home (and usually more like 7am to 7pm type work), I have found most articles written about moms failed to speak to me. When they did tackle the working mom topic, they focused on how working moms are constantly questioning that and struggling to find balance. I have never questioned my career nor struggled in major ways to find balance (I just accept there is no such thing as perfect balance!) I recently switched from a senior level corporate job to launching my own business and find that articles on mom entrepreneurs also tend to miss the mark (or at least don't speak to me.) I did not start my business so I could spend more time with the kids or take an offramp from the corporate world. I raised real angel money and have different than any man running a start-up. Anyway, good read!

Eden Godsoe

Joanne Bamberger aka PunditMom

Excellent point about the article and it's lack of focus on the working mom aspect and absence of that in general in the media, other than to write about Mommy Wars and the elusive "work/life balance." I'm not sure why the piece assumed that none of those in attendance weren't working moms. As a matter of fact, several of the women who were quoted in the article ARE working moms -- they are making very nice livings with their online presences and businesses.

But you've hit the nail on the head about this phenomenon, and it's not just the media. My work is freelance writing and new media strategic consulting. I do it from my home office. Many at my daughter's school just assume I don't have a "real" paying job, because my office is at home and I'm the one doing drop-off and pick-up. Often, they don't see me as a working mother, because I don't fit the mold that we think of when we envision working mothers.

And thanks so much for the link love!


I agree with Eden above... Working moms are either neglected entirely or painted as women who really want to be SAHMs but can't, or who at least feel guilty that they aren't.

What about coverage of women who are both workers and mamas, with equal passion for each?

Personally, I think it's at least partially related to sexism and the inability to see women as multi-dimensional creatures with their own thoughts, needs and desires. Maybe a woman who doesn't want to ONLY be at home doing full time care for her children, but would rather embrace both the mother role and the worker role is harder to conceive and talk about?


As a WAHM (often as a freelance journalist), I find virtually nothing that's reflective of the issues and complications of this kind of work/personal life anywhere but blogs.


You are absolutely right. To be honest, I don't know how working moms do it. I was incapable of that particular balancing act. I have nothing but admiration for those moms who work full time outside the home. It's HARD. And I agree with those how point out that this is just another aspect of our society's inability to fully "see" women who happen to be mothers.


I think the contributions and participation of both Office Working Mommy Bloggers (vs WAHM or SAHM) and also Older Mommy Bloggers are often overlooked or marginalized.
I find that doing the work I love makes me a better Mom for when I am with my children - even if that's limited during the week because of office hours. I'm glad I get to share that time with them - and share it with others in my blog.

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