Sharing Saturday
It seems that every day, there are new incidents of violence within our own borders. Perhaps it is the nature of today's media where news is virtually instantaneous. It just seems that we live in a far more dangerous world than those of a generation before us.
I remember being able to trick or treat without an adult hovering as long as I was with other kids. I could play outside without supervision, go over to neighbor's houses, or even wait in the car while my mom ran an errand. Now most people would consider a parent who allowed their child to do these things to be negligent or criminal.It is common knowledge that a basic need of children is to feel safe and secure. So how can we provide this in a world that we perceive to be so dangerous? How do we allow our children to be autonomous when all we want to do is hold them close so they remain intact?
I wish that I could provide a simple how-to list that neatly organizes a plan that is flawless once executed. Things that seem to be tried and true are:-Meeting your neighbors and establish a relationship
-Call the parents of your children's friends prior to a play date
-When in a safe place, allow your children room to wander and explore
-Call and seek out references of babysitters and caregivers
-Turn off the news when kids are around
-Monitor all the different kinds of screen time (computers, television, phones)
While these tips aren't a surefire way to have a scratch-less child, they might help bring some peace of mind to you as a parent. Sometimes, this peace of mind is half the battle.