Technology Thursday
Happy Thanksgiving!
Just a quick note today about gratitude journals. A gratitude journal is a blank notebook (I'm a fan of Moleskine notebooks for many things, including things like this) where you take a few moments each day to jot down 5 (or 3 or 10) things that you're grateful for. Christine Kane has a nice write-up about them:
Full disclosure: I tried to keep such a journal at the beginning of the year, but alas it didn't last very long. I've been thinking about restarting, though, so this post may be a good prod in that direction.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Just a quick note today about gratitude journals. A gratitude journal is a blank notebook (I'm a fan of Moleskine notebooks for many things, including things like this) where you take a few moments each day to jot down 5 (or 3 or 10) things that you're grateful for. Christine Kane has a nice write-up about them:
What happens when you write in a gratitude journal every night?And, if the thought of keeping a notebook or Moleskine is too cumbersome, well, you know, there's an app for that, too!
My experience is that when I write out my I-am-grateful-for’s every night, I become more in tune throughout the next day. It’s like turning on an inner-switch that sets your awareness to look for material for your journal each night. So you might be driving out of your neighborhood in the morning, and catch the flash of a bluebird in the sunlight, and instead of blowing it off, you stop and notice it for a moment. You take it in. And you make a mental note to include that in your gratitude journal. Then, when you’re having lunch with a co-worker, she grabs the check and pays it. And not only do you thank her, but you make that mental note again. Your day becomes a basket where you collect things. It’s a private little game.
In essence, you become a gratitude magnet.
Full disclosure: I tried to keep such a journal at the beginning of the year, but alas it didn't last very long. I've been thinking about restarting, though, so this post may be a good prod in that direction.
I decided to start a "gratitude journal" this Thanksgiving as well, but I'm going to write just once a week. I tried a 30-day "Think Positive" experiment last year, but found myself too busy to write every day, which made me feel more guilty than positive. I think once a week is more my speed. Good luck with yours!
Posted by: Peggy | Saturday, November 28, 2009 at 10:17 AM