Startup Sunday
Perhaps it's overly self-promotional to blog about, but the more I work on the programming lineup for the CurrentMom 2010 conference, the more excited I get about the possibilities for learning, networking and business growth.
Not only are we bringing together some of the smartest people I know in digital media and entrepreneurship, we'll be holding this small business conference at a beautiful resort in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, in the middle of winter. I know our conference attendees will enjoy the three complimentary spa services at the on-site Elizabeth Arden Red Door Spa -- I just hope that I get time to partake as well!
There's just something invaluable about meeting people in person and listening to a seminar live rather than over a phone line or webcast. When I attended BlogHer this summer, I was reminded of the importance of in-person networking and learning -- I don't think that will ever go away, no matter how advanced our technology.
Personally, I learn better from conversation than from reading educational materials with the same content. And the connections that I've made through social media and online communities are only strengthened by meeting in person and sharing a meal and a laugh.
So, please register for CurrentMom 2010 today and bring a friend! You'll leave refreshed, energized and full of new ideas for growing your business. (Not to mention your nails and skin will be gorgeous.)
If you're a blogger interested in small business, entrepreneurship or work-life issues, contact Tanya Bunich about offering your readers a discount code to save on their registration for CurrentMom 2010. She can be reached at Tanya(at) or 443-622-1226.
See you in Florida!