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Sunday, September 13, 2009



I like the idea of doing at least one good thing each day, no matter how work goes! It might help to break down big tasks into smaller ones, too. The pile of clutter in my living room has been mocking me for months, but if I throw away five pieces of trash from it a day, I hope eventually to conquer the pile.

the entrepreneurial mother™

I see your list, and raise it with these:
* pick up a travel brochure and dream
* go to the movies and get lost for 2 hours
* book yourself in to learn something new (as I did on the weekend)
* find like-minded people to hang around with, or at least to go and have a coffee/wine
* create your own thriving hub
As we know, there is always a trade off for whatever arrangements we make. After all, there's no such thing as a free lunch!

the entrepreneurial mother™

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