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Wednesday, September 02, 2009



This is quite inspiring!


Thanks for this entry, Stacy. An excellent reminder of what's most important in life.


This is a beautiful story about beautiful people!! I am glad to know them!!

stacey reichman

OK, I am officially in tears. Lisa, Jeff and the girls are truly remarkable people and I'm glad they are in my life.

Hope Lott

watching Rebecca grow up with her tremendous smile everyday, is truly a reflection of her wonderful family!!! Jeff and Lisa are unbelievable parents and they are all very lucky to have eachother, and we are very lucky to have them as our neighbors!!!!


I guess we see where Rebecca gets her resilence!


I am always awed by their positive attitude toward life. I marvel at the "normalcy" of their lives and they are a constant reminder to not sweat the small stuff. I concur that I feel lucky to know them and have them as a part of my and my family's life.

Gerri D. Klenosky

Thank you Stacy for sharing your beautiful story, about your beautiful friend, Lisa, her beautiful family, and a beautiful child named Rebecca..


I also have tears in my eyes. Lisa is an inspiration. I am a mom to a little boy with cerebral palsy; I work fulltime, and always feel so guilty about that. It is absolutely incredible what an impact Lisa has had, both on her daughter and on other kids with special needs. Thank you for sharing this. If Lisa would ever want to come share her wisdom with all the moms of kids with special needs who read my blog, To The Max, I would so welcome that.

Sue Levine

This is a wonderful story about a very special person, my cousin Lisa. Although this story did bring tears to my eyes, in general, Lisa, Jeff, Julia, and Rebecca, are the people who bring smiles to your face and joy to your heart.

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