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Sunday, August 30, 2009


Adalia John

Even with the challenges of being a business owner, if your a a mom entrepreneur, the benefits (in my opinion) overshadows the benefits. Being a single mom entrepreneur of four allowed me the freedom of being involve with my children on a daily basis both at home and at school. Of course planning and accepting your limitations create a climate for a successful business.

Adalia John

OOPS! sorry mistake in the first post.
Even with the challenges of being a business owner, if your a a mom entrepreneur, the benefits (in my opinion) overshadows the challenges. Being a single mom entrepreneur of four allowed me the freedom of being involve with my children on a daily basis both at home and at school. Of course planning and accepting your limitations create a climate for a successful business.

Shagun Bagga

So true!! It definitely takes a few years before your business takes off to get the financial returns you are looking for. But it is so worth having your own business if you are passionate about it because of so much else you can achieve by steering in any way you think would be good and all at your own flexible time. Gives more time to be involved with your kids and home along with your work.


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Cassandra Black

I was a single mom when I started one of my first formal businesses in NYC. Through our efforts, we also inspire, encourage, our children to become entrepreneurs, too. (Kids are what I call little parrot-sponges; they soak up everything we do and so often repeat it ... that's a blessing when it comes to business.) My son was my inspiration -- still is. Peering at his little chubby cheeks (sleeping in our tiny one bedroom apartment when I was up in the wee hours of the morning, sending marketing faxes back then to promote my editorial staffing agency, before I dressed for my full-time job, dressed him for daycare and started my day) drove me like a storm.

What’s your motivation? Find it and it will keep you moving in your business.

Continued success to you!

Cassandra Black

Melody Bakeeff

When starting your own business be aware of the difference(s) between "owning a business" and "owning a job"! Hint - if you can't take a vacation without your "company" effectively closing it's doors? You own a job.
It's a hard lesson for some so-called Entrepreneurs to digest, but how many handymen, electricians, etc have you known that suddenly can't work and boom - their clients are left high-and-dry? They didn't own a business - they owned their own job. Some people, that's enough for them. Myself, I want to know that if I chose to do something else later, I could sell my business and it would be worth something without having me.

Confidential invoice factoring

Starting up a business is a hard decision and there are still several things to consider in start a small business like getting a venture capital through business loan and using effective business marketing strategy.

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