I dreamed of sharing the foods of the world with my son before he was even born. In one of my many I-will-be-the-perfect-parent dreams that only a not-yet-parent can have, I imagined introducing him to homemade, savory, complex Indian, and sweet and tangy Thai. He would be a cosmopolitan eater. He would play quietly while I cooked these fabulous meals and savor every bite.
That bubble was popped by sharp realities of parenthood. The contradictory and ever-changing guidance on how to introduce children to solid foods is far too difficult for any new parent to understand or prioritize (or, as I often do with such advice, disregard). And the playing quietly while I cook dinner? Oh, well.
Getting dinner on the table in front of two working parents is hard enough as it is. As my husband and I worked tirelessly to share our love of food with our son, our own formerly excellent eating habits were deteriorating. Eating well started to feel like a zero-sum game.
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