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Wednesday, August 05, 2009



This is a great post. In fact, working moms may be the least likely to be mad at their husbands. According to the research often cites, men in equal marriages (shared chores and parenting) tend to get more sex. Hmm ...

T.J. McKenna

Great post. I'm a SAHD (though I prefer to refer to myself as a STUD, which stands for Spending Time as an Unbelieveable Dad). If only my wife would refer to me as her STUD...

As an at home dad, there are times when I think I certainly deserve to have some anger directed at me, but I couldn't agree more that focusing out Working Moms for their piece was foolish.

When the roles were reversed at our house I remember that the frustrations of being SAHM would frustrate my wife EVEN MORE than what she faces now as the breadwinner. Its really nice that each of us has worn both hats and have some perspective on each role.

T.J. McKenna
Author of "Caution: Men at Housework"

Coach Tristin

This is a great article - I think the word they might be looking for is stress. Us working moms are not mad... but trying to juggle a career and raising a family can cause a little stress. I believe it is all about finding a good balance - and then no one is mad! I am a work at home mom and run a FREE social networking site for other WAHMS - in the hopes to help other moms find joy in all of life....

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