Travel Tuesday
Isn't it amazing what children can come up with when left to their own devices?
This is the tale of two 11-year-old Australian girls who decided to put on a little show for the wonderfully warm people that made the experience of Dar Seffarine fabulous during our stay there in April 2009. Dar Seffarine is a Riad located in Fez Morocco. (A Riad is a traditional Moroccan house or palace with an interior garden. The Riads were inward focused which allowed for family privacy and protection from the weather in Morocco.)
It was touted initially as a way to keep the two girls occupied whilst us adults attended to things! The song "Words", accompanied with actions, was in turn performed for these same adults and Gail (the leading lady at Dar Seffarine). After much encouragement from Gail, the girls decided to put it on again cabaret style for the other Riad guests as well. And of course, it went over particularly well. It has since found its way onto YouTube so that Gail can revisit it as she chooses, and I have included the link here should you wish to take a look for yourself.
What I particularly like about this is the way that the girls just created this performance out of nowhere, in a short period. No doubt it helped that they had the time to invest in such an undertaking, and that they were not being badgered to do chores! Nevertheless, when children's imagination is given the freedom to flourish, one can never be sure of the little gems that will subsequently greet us, and pleasantly surprise us.
The girls decided that they wanted to share what they had done with the composer of the song; Kate Miller-Heidke. They wondered what she would think about her song "Words" being mimed to in this exotic riad in Fez Morocco... So upon our return the girls emailed Kate, and much to their delight, she not only responded but was most impressed also. It's amazing how the world has the potential to get smaller, one email at a time.
Happy Travels!
The entrepreneurial mother