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Technology Thursday
Before we had a child, my husband and I felt that we were barely staying on top of things in our household. We're both well-educated reasonably organized individuals, but between two jobs, various activities, keeping a house, and trying to make sure to find time for each other, it was a challenge - a real challenge. As anyone who's had a child knows, adding our son to the mix has only complicated matters further on the organizational front. Now, we're trying to do our jobs, maintain the household, keep the baby (almost toddler) safe not to mention happy, and find time for the four relationships that now need attention and maintenance (me and my son, my son and my husband, my husband and I, and all three of us together). Most of our other activities have been abandoned while we all seek to survive the little guy's infancy.
A few year's back I started implementing David Allen's "Getting Things Done" approach to life and work organization and maintenance.