Image by Lyn Millett via Flickr
Technology Thursday
Adbusters offered a Digital Detox challenge last week - unplug from the Internet and social networking for a week. They offered links to a few articles on the downsides of spending too much time in front of computer screens. Some of the negatives include:
- Internet addiction and withdrawal issues,
- overexposure to advertising and a consumption culture,
- sleep disturbance,
- problems with focus and attention,
- and on and on.
Being unable (or unwilling) to be disconnected for very long is something I struggle with quite a bit. My husband and I are both serious techies -- both for work and for fun. We have desktops, laptops, and handheld computers and live huge portions of our lives online. But I completely agree with the idea that getting offline and away from the technology for extended chunks of time is an important thing to do, especially as our son gets older and ever more interactive.